DNA - Important Facts About It

Since DNA is a vital part in our human body, we need to know a lot about it. Firstly, the code of DNA is similar for all living Organism. We can hardly find DNA coding to be different in living things. Thus the code has universal language.

The scientist named Friedrich Miescher discovered DNA. 1896 was the year in which DNA was discovered. With regards to the discovery of genes, we have a very interesting fact. Till 1843 scientists were unaware of the presence of genes in cells. The scientist thought the genetic code was held by proteins.

DNA is very different from proteins.DNA is build with four nucleotides but proteins are composed of twenty amino acids. Thus the composition of DNA would be very different to that of proteins. Thus we should never confuse DNA with proteins.

We use 4 letters in writing the genetic code. The genetic code of DNA consists of the letters A, G, C, T. Where A stands for adenine G for guanine C for cytosine and T for thymine. But we don't use all the four alphabets together. We combine them and make it a 3 lettered word that codes an Amino acid. Here Proline is a very good example which is coded as CCA.

We can even find redundancy in DNA. Usage of more than one word codes the same amino acid.

James Watson and Crick had discovered the double helix structure of DNA by making use of the x-ray crystallography images that Rosalind Frankli made. The replication of DNA came into notice after the discovery of double helix structure.

Another important fact about DNA is its molecular property. Though it is a very important part of our body, yet it can be the worst at times. The molecules in DNA are very fragile. It is not good at staying unbroken. Our body mechanism manages to keep us healthy. They correct such errors but a few damages cannot be repaired, which and are known as mutations. They are the cause of the disease named cancer. Cancer is such a disease, which cannot be cured. We can only try to make the life of the patient lengthy

During the process of replication of DNA at times mistakes take place. At the end of the process though, the amount of mistakes in the DNA succession is remarkably low. It's just about a single mistake in each billion bases.

Though mutation harms living being it is significant as it gives rise to genetic variation.

RNA acts as the mediator between DNA and protein.

If you want more information about DNA then you can read News about DNA at author's website.