Numerous esthetics programs exist in cities and towns all over the United States that prepare students for careers in the skincare-related field, but they are not all the same. It is important to consider your goals, the requirements for the specific type of job you're looking for and the merits of each school offering education and training programs in the field of esthetics. If you want to become a successful licensed esthetician in a beauty salon, dermatologist's office or medical spa, you need to get a good head start in a reputable program.
The first step to becoming an esthetician is to complete the training program, then you can worry about passing two exams required by the state board: one hands-on and one written. It is important to complete your training in a comprehensive and well-respected program that will provide the tools to ace these exams and allow you to hit the ground running when you start your career. There are cosmetology programs, which encompass skin care, hair care and nail care, but you will be much better off if you choose a program geared specifically towards esthetics. There are programs like this in beauty schools, cosmetology schools, massage schools and schools designed specifically for training future estheticians.
Esthetics programs may last anywhere from six months to two years depending on how the program is structured, whether you attend full or part time and how specialized the training is. You will need to consider factors such as your career goals, budget, personal preferences and learning style when you research the various programs that are available and decide which one is right for you. Also make sure any schools you apply to are accredited by some sort of reputable organization, and speak to an advisor or admissions counselor at each school.
As an esthetician you will have many career options. The salary range for estheticians is $15,000 to $50,000, with part time workers accounting for the lower range. You can find employment in a salon, spa or dermatologist's office, or you can start your own business. So get out there, find a program and get started!
Find top beauty schools which are offering esthetics programs or degree courses at Choose the best school and program for you and start career in a rewarding field now.
The first step to becoming an esthetician is to complete the training program, then you can worry about passing two exams required by the state board: one hands-on and one written. It is important to complete your training in a comprehensive and well-respected program that will provide the tools to ace these exams and allow you to hit the ground running when you start your career. There are cosmetology programs, which encompass skin care, hair care and nail care, but you will be much better off if you choose a program geared specifically towards esthetics. There are programs like this in beauty schools, cosmetology schools, massage schools and schools designed specifically for training future estheticians.
Esthetics programs may last anywhere from six months to two years depending on how the program is structured, whether you attend full or part time and how specialized the training is. You will need to consider factors such as your career goals, budget, personal preferences and learning style when you research the various programs that are available and decide which one is right for you. Also make sure any schools you apply to are accredited by some sort of reputable organization, and speak to an advisor or admissions counselor at each school.
As an esthetician you will have many career options. The salary range for estheticians is $15,000 to $50,000, with part time workers accounting for the lower range. You can find employment in a salon, spa or dermatologist's office, or you can start your own business. So get out there, find a program and get started!
Find top beauty schools which are offering esthetics programs or degree courses at Choose the best school and program for you and start career in a rewarding field now.